Sunday, January 27, 2013

Emerson's Peppa Pig Birthday!

When Emerson found Peppa Pig on YouTube last summer, I didn't think she would make it all the way to January for the big number 4.  After Santa brought a few Peppa toys for Christmas, her piggy love grew (and now includes a pretty good Daddy Pig snort).  With a little help from Pinterest and Etsy, some DIY, and lots of 'googling', I think we pulled it off!

I found this adorable banner on Etsy from twotinyloves.  She emailed me the PDF so all I had to do was print, cut, punch holes, string with yarn and hang.  The balloon was ordered off Amazon (it took 3 weeks to arrive).  I also ordered the invites from Etsy (helloinklings).  Again, a PDF was emailed and I printed on card stock at home.  They were adorable!
Borrowed the cupcakes stands from my girl, Michelle.  Ordered plain pink cupcakes from Sweet Mandy B's then decorated them as pigs (Pinterest - pig cupcakes).  We (my niece, Hannah) used pink wafer cookies, large white marshmallows, dark pink frosting for the nostrils, and chocolate chips for the eyes!
 I had some allergen free cupcakes as well (plain dark pink).
 Before the craziness....
 I hung balloons above the table.  It looked so pretty, I want to leave them up all year!

For party favors, I found these $2 pigs at Party City.  I tied them to the rice krispie treats on a stick with pink ribbon I had.  I initially though the kids could take the sticks on the way out, but as soon as they knew the krispie treat was fair game, they opened them right away!
 Lincoln sneaking in a smile...

And the cake....  I used box cake and frosting from the store - except the red.  I ordered that from the bakery with the cupcakes because getting a true red is kinda hard and their frosting is the best!  I took a piece of cardboard and covered it with the blue and green paper (like wrapping a present), made the cake, let it cool, cut the shape of Peppa, gave it a crumb coat, put it in the freezer to harden, then added the colored frosting and details with piping bags (plastic bags with a hole in the corner).  If you don't know what a crumb coat is, check out:  Great tutorials!

GAMES!  I also decided we would try to do games this year - why not?  So, I opted for "Pin the Tail on the Pig" and Feed Peppa!  Here is little Lincoln getting in on the action before the party started!  I used a cardboard box I had around the house to paint Peppa and cut a hole for her mouth.  The bean bags I had wouldn't fit through the hole so we ended up using ping pong balls :)
I moved the games down to the basement so there was more room for the adults... so don't mind the Bears/Cyclones flags hanging on the wall.  I'm just lucky the neon beer signs have been taken down and are hiding!  You can see the Pin the tail on the Pig in the background...  I just painted a pig on brown wrapping paper I already had.

 Bandannas for Pin the tail...
 The birthday girl taking a spin!

For the "tails", we used pink curling ribbon and I wrote the kids names where they "pinned" because at the last minute, I could NOT find the tape.  Oh well...

On to Feed Peppa...  bean bags would have been better because they would have been a little more sturdy but all in all, the kids who played had fun!

 And finally, we sang (don't ask why the candles ended up on a cupcake) - it's all good :)

Happy Birthday, Emerson!!!


  1. What do you call a pig that does karate? Pork Chop.

    This is great. I am your biggest fan. -Fredrik W

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